Tuesday, September 27, 2011

GREEN Ice Cubes in my Freezer!

I confess.  I have GREEN ice cubes in my freezer......... purposely!

Earlier this summer my mother introduced our family to a Vita-Mix Blender.  Though, it was quite the investment- it was worth every cent!  I use it at LEAST 3 times a day, for smoothies, soups, sauces, and many other things.  Before the Vita-Mix, we rarely got our 5 fruits and veggies in a day- now we're right on target or more!  I've never eaten healthier!

Now, why the green ice cubes?  Because my husband and I are now addicted to Green Smoothies  (it's the first way I've ever gotten him to eat a salad!!!).  I puree the nutrient packed green stuff (currently, spinach and kale) ahead of time, and then freeze it into ice cubes to save some time in the mornings.

Sure, that doesn't sound very appetizing at first... but when you mix it with fruit, you can't even taste it-- and they are SOOOO good for you!  After about 3 weeks of: 1 green smoothie a day, around 5 days a week- I FINALLY broke through a weight loss plateau that I had been stuck at for a YEAR AND A HALF!!!  Exercise got me hooked on physical activity, running helped me lose some inches, but only green smoothies helped me drop the pounds.  AND, the other thing I noticed-- is that my memory is clearer too. I was really worried that the MS was putting me on a downhill memory slope, and that was very scary.

Have you ever seen the commercial for cleaning wipes where the father and daughter are building a volcano in the white kitchen, and it explodes, leaving red everywhere??  That was me this morning, except green.  (had to break up a frozen spinach square- it didn't exactly go as planned)  All over the cupboards, all over the counters, all over me, in my hair and everything.  I would have taken a picture, but, honestly, I was not a very happy camper at the time.  Thinking back on it though... I wish I would have.  

If anyone has any good green smoothie recipes, I'd love to try 'em out!

Our Basic Recipe:
1 head Romaine Lettuce
1 1/2 c. water  (we like ours relatively thin)
1/2 c. Pomegranate Juice
4T Flaxseed Meal

Since this takes up the whole blender, blend first to make room, then add:
1 banana
1 green apple
1 pear
1 c. frozen strawberries

Blend and enjoy.  

We usually split this, Scott getting a little more.


Monday, September 26, 2011

X-Ray, oh Joy!

So, everyone is concerned that my sprained ankle is still making a painful appearance.  I get an email this morning, "If your ankle hurt AT ALL during the (Great) Race, you should NOT run on Saturday".  What's so bad about that?  That was supposed to be my "Grand Finale" of the racing season... my first 10K, at Clarion, my Alma Mater.  I wanted to show myself how far I've come.

I can recall a dinner at the cafeteria-- potato soup, french fries, and mashed potatoes- obviously, eating healthy was not on the list.  Though I did hit the gym once in awhile, there really was no effort at all there.  I even remember looking out the window one morning at the ALF (Autumn Leaf Festival) racers thinking, "Who would ever want to do THAT?!"  And look at me now!  Though, I'm no tri-athlete, I've definitely come a long way.

So, I called the doctor, who called in a prescription for an X-Ray.  Yay, fun.  We'll find out the results tomorrow.  Please, oh please....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

2011 Great Race

This morning, my sister, Taylor and I ran the 2011 Great Race together! With conflicting schedules, it was actually the first time we were able to run together, EVER!  I was so nervous, but thankful that I was able to run- it feels like it's been years!  (In reality, it's been a week and a half- but still, there's a huge difference in my endurance!)  Note to self: remember this when you are tempted to stay in during the cold winter months!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

If you are reading this-- WELCOME!  I am a new runner- a reformed anti-runner- and it had changed my life.  In February 2011, I began my journey, clumsy on my feet, not even being able to run 1/4 of a mile.  I did the C25K program, and with God's grace, built my way up to a 5K-- 3.1 miles!  Since then, I've been adding a little mileage at a time, joined a Run Club, and got an awesome running coach.  I now have a dream of running the Pittsburgh Half Marathon in May!  I still have a ways to go-- through the winter, at that... but you can follow me along my journey.  

Why did I choose Pittsburgh?    Because they are partnering with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to raise money to stop this disease.  If you feel led to help in my fundraising efforts, please click on my link to donate.  Thank you!