Saturday, November 12, 2011

My First 10-Miler!

I've been slacking a bit in my updates.  It's been a crazy week.

Let me start out by saying- I love my children more than life itself.  But this week, man, they drained me of every last bit of emotional energy I had, and then some.  (My husband just asked me if there was a full moon tonight, to which I've replied-- "No, this is how they've been all week long!")  Being a stay at home mommy, I get very little breaks.  Without getting into too much detail, lets just say, I could go crazy eating junk, I could drink, or I could run.

So I ran.

10 miles.  My new personal record!!  Cranked up K-Love and just ran my stress out.  I proved to myself that I could do it, and showed myself how far I had come this year.  It's such an awesome feeling!  Not to mention, an awesome way to start the holiday season!

I have a neat little story to go along with it too!  Okay, first of all, I decided to run at North Park- a 5 mile loop around a lake.  I figured if I was too tired after the first 5 miles, then I could just call it quits at that point. So, as I was looping through the Boathouse area (about 3.5 miles), they were preparing for a race.  The road was closed, and a cop had driven up to block the road.  I was afraid he was going to tell me to go around, so I took out one of my headphones.  He didn't say anything, so I put my headphone back in, went to fix my hat to come down over my ears, and the darn thing popped out and the cover fell off and rolled somewhere in the grass.  You can't use the headphone without them, so I spent like 5 minutes looking for a tiny blue ear piece.  No luck.  I gave up, and kept running.  About another mile or so, would you believe that the cop stopped his car in the middle of the road, came over to me, and asked, "Did you lose this?  I saw something blue on the ground, and knew that you were looking for something."  Not only did he find it, but he had to drive the entire way around the lake to give it to me!  That rocked!  I took it as a sign I needed to do a second lap ;-) .  I survived!

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