Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's About the Numbers... or Not?

There is a time and a place for numbers.  I love them.  They control my life, and give me boundaries to work within.  But recently, I think I've become a little too obsessed with numbers and have started to grow a little resentful of them!

Culprit: Calories. 
For, I don't even know HOW long, I have been tracking (most of ) the calories that go into and out of my body.  Because when calories "out" (energy used) exceeds calories "in" (food eaten), you lose weight, right?  Simple equation.  'Cept it doesn't always work.  There HAS to be more to it!  Answer: All calories are not created equal.

There is definitely something to be said for nutrition.  Really, 100 calories of apples is exceedingly better for you than 100 calories of white bread.  Quality vs. Quantity?  Yet, my brain is so trained to convert everything I put into my mouth into a number (be it calories or PointsPlus, thanks Weight Watchers...) a lot of time, WHAT it is really doesn't seem to matter.  I've tried to eat healthier, but it all comes down to calories.  So, you may have noticed that the "My Fitness Pal" link has disappeared from the blog.  My plan is to FOCUS ON QUALITY foods this month, without counting calories.  (Note to self: Reread "Naturally Thin").

It's so frustrating to work SO hard to keep all the numbers in count, even to the point of feeling deprived.  (Which starts the binge eating... we'll leave that for another entry though.)  How am I supposed to make a "life change" when it constantly feels like I'm walking on a tightrope, and can slip off at any point.  I can't.

Speaking of calories "in"... calories "out" has also added to the frustrating factor.  I love to run, and I love how it feels to finish a good workout.  I hate that my brain loves to convert workouts to calories in order to determine if it was successful.  (And then, I think-- ooh, I burned 500 calories... now I can eat more!)

I need to just learn to eat healthy to BE healthy, and exercise for the love of exercise.  Because, really, I do love it.  I WOULD do it, even if it didn't burn calories!  It just feels good, relaxes me, and gives me a feeling of power and self confidence that I've never had.

Let's see how it goes.  GOAL: Lifestyle Change.

Motivation: Anne from www.fANNEtasticfood.com 

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