Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunrise Exercise

Getting my workouts in, in the morning is my favorite thing!  I've said before that I was a morning person, but, really, I think my body just really likes the sun.  When the sun comes up, I wake up!  When the sun goes down, I turn into a baby and want to go to sleep.

It is sooo refreshing to be out running as the sun comes up!  There is something very energizing about it!  Unfortunately, that's generally not possible this time of year... which would explain why I'm h aving so much trouble getting up in the mornings anymore.  It's cold outside, and it's so much nicer to be snug in a warm bed.

BUT, over the past few weeks, I'm being reminded again and again of how working out in the morning is just what "works" for me.  If I don't do it, I stress about it all day- about whether I'm going to get it in, about how to do it with the kids, about if something is going to prevent me from doing, about if I'm going to have enough ENERGY!  It's an extra ball to juggle through out the day, and it adds so much unneeded stress!

When I DO get my workouts in, I feel awesome, and energized!  It feels great going through the day, knowing I already kicked butt- and I did it without the interference of anybody in my fam-- (cuz they're all still sleeping-- this is MY time!).  It puts me in a good mood, and makes me feel powerful.  And, I don't hold any "grudges" through out the day, making me a much happier Mommy and Wifey!

Suck it up, Amber-- get out of bed.  You'll thank yourself later!

Just do it!

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