Monday, October 17, 2011

Healthy Tipping Point

I don't carry cash.  It disappears way too quickly.  A dollar here, a dollar there... it adds up SO fast!  iPhone apps and music... don't even get me started.

Calories seem to do the same thing.  WHY?  Why do those little things have to end up causing so much damage?  A few pretzels can't hurt.  A couple goldfish, what's that- 10 calories?  I'll just have a bite of cake... or just one chip.  That's healthier than eating a handful, right?   I am doing the right thing!  Right?  Yet, they all add up anyway... and they cause the scale to do the same.

I came across a website called "Healthy Tipping Point, when everyday decisions add up to something amazing."  For some reason, this revelation hit me like a ton of bricks.  If all the negative things add up, can't the positive decisions/choices add up too?  10 minutes on the elliptical might not seem like much  (a challenge I posed to my husband), but, you could easily cover a mile in 10 minutes... 1 mile = approximately 100 calories.  If he did this 6 days a week... that's 600 calories!

My brain makes sense of things by changing them into pictures/metaphors.  So with this thought in mind, I view this like a scale... FAT on one side, HEALTH on the other.  Each choice is like a tiny bean... I can add it to the FAT side, or I can add it to the HEALTH side.
True, adding one bean to the scale really might not make all that much difference... but, when you're daily adding beans to the HEALTH side, you WILL eventually get to a "Healthy Tipping Point".  Each decision counts.  (Just as adding beans to the FAT side will counteract your progress)  

What kind of choices will you make today?

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