Sunday, October 9, 2011

Princess Charm School: Balance

One of my girls' favorite movies is:  "Barbie: Princess Charm School", and I couldn't help but think about it as I was doing by balancing exercises this morning!

According to WiiFit Plus, I learned that Balance training is as important as Cardiovascular and Strength training.  Did I ever focus on it?  Nope!  But, my coach does.  And since all of this stuff happened with my ankle, she's showing me one reason why.  Not only does it help with injury prevention (though it wouldn't have helped this time, darn ditch), it would help with recovery time.  By balancing on one leg, small muscles in my leg, that aren't otherwise used as often in things such as running, would be strengthened.  I would have had more strength to compensate for my sprained ankle.  It wouldn't have had to deal with all of the pressure and strength to keep me upright, because other muscles would have taken over some of the work.

Because I never put much attention to it, my balance abilities are pretty sad!  It's surprisingly hard to stand on one foot with your eyes closed!  Here are my exercises from this morning if you want to give them a try!

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