Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nutritionally Challenged.

So, yesterday was my nutrition meeting with my coach, as she has been looking over my food logs for the past 4-5 weeks.  Um, #FAIL!

She said she couldn't believe how many carbs I eat... and I knew I ate a lot, but I didn't think it was THAT bad!  After all, I cut WAY back from what I used to eat!  Why can't we lose weight on relativity??  Compared to how much I used to eat, or compared to how much others around me eat and I-pass-up??  HUH?

Obviously, I've got to focus on the protein, fruits and vegetables-- consistently through out the day- not just in one meal (my beloved Green Smoothies).  This is WAY hard when it comes to eating with extremely picky, young children.  One really good idea Joella suggested was a "Snack Plate".  She's really big on snacking through out the day, as long as you balance it out-- some proteins, some fruits and veggies,  a little carbs.  Put together a snack plate with things such as: cheese, yogurt, pretzels, baby carrots, hummus, nuts/seeds, fruits, veggies, granola- and when my kids (or myself) get hungry, choose what I want, already prepared, but once the carbs are gone, they're gone.  Having it accessible makes it an easier choice, and keeping my blood sugar stable will keep me from going carb crazy later.  Let's start with that and see how it goes.

Here is a list of Meal Ideas from my coach.

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